John Mervyn-Smith
Maximising employee wellbeing: aligning energy to the world's demands
Join Dr. Mervyn-Smith, to unravel the intricate relationship between energy and wellbeing. We are at our best at work when, in terms of energy, our work ‘feeds us. We are vulnerable and our wellbeing suffers when our work depletes us. Depletion leads to frustration, anxiety, potential ‘burn out’ and depression. We all know when we’re feeling depleted. Dr Mervyn-Smith will help you to understand ‘why’ and what can be done for individuals and organisations.
Speaker Bio:
Dr John Mervyn Smith has over 30 years’ experience of coaching senior leaders and their teams. John’s work in both clinical and occupational psychology underpins his understanding of the ways in which people make an impact at work. His extensive research in this field has led to the development of The GC Index®. John has achieved lots of things in his distinguished career from profiling high level politicians through to being chased by a typhoon. He is author of ‘Coaching Me, Coaching You’, that focuses on the premise that organisations are neglecting the very talent, which has the potential to transform the future. a bo Join Dr. Mervyn-Smith, to unravel the intricate relationship between energy and wellbeing. We are at our best at work when, in terms of energy, our work ‘feeds us. We are vulnerable and our wellbeing suffers when our work depletes us. Depletion leads to frustration, anxiety, potential ‘burn out’ and depression. We all know when we’re feeling depleted. Dr Mervyn-Smith will help you to understand ‘why’ and what can be done for individuals and organisations.
13-Mar-2024Mental & Physical Wellbeing TheatreMaximising employee wellbeing: aligning energy to the world's demands