Francis Goss
Financial Wellbeing - the what, the why and the how?
Financial worry remains a significant cause of stress for employees in 2024. In this session, Francis will address three common questions around financial wellbeing - what it is it, why it matters and how to improve employee financial wellbeing. He will be sharing insights into the impact of financial stress on mental health, the three key areas of money fitness and practical tips on how organisation can support their people.
Speaker Bio:
Francis is a member of the DWPs’ Pension Dashboard Steering Group, an Advisory Board Member for Engage for Success, the UK's Employee Engagement Taskforce and a Director at MoneyFit, providing financial wellbeing for all. Previous roles include Director of People Experience Consulting at Gallagher where he led Gallagher’s Financial Wellbeing proposition development, and Board Director at AHC, a leading provider of pension communication solutions. Francis is also a Non-Executive Director at Exclusive Collection where he advises on HR and Employee Engagement strategy and a Trustee for Toybox, a charity helping street children around the world. Francis is passionate about Financial Wellbeing and employee engagement and has addressed audiences including the House of Commons HR team and the Reward and Employee Benefits Association conference. Francis holds an honours degree in Law, a Diploma in Employee Motivation and is a keen rower winning Gold in the British Rowing Masters Championships 2016.
14-Mar-2024Emotional & Financial Wellbeing TheatreFinancial Wellbeing - the what, the why and the how?