Kate Waterfall-Hill
Keynote Title TBC
Speaker Bio:
Boasting an impressive business background, Kate served as the Managing Director of a flourishing PR and marketing agency in the UK, securing Vodafone, Virgin, and Ford as clients. Kate's unique perspective as a coach arises from her expertise as a leader with a personal understanding of how best to step up to professional challenges, successfully engage stakeholders at all levels, influence through a partnering mindset and secure new business in a fiercely competitive landscape. During her tenure, the agency secured VC funding, was bought by a global consultancy and later did an MBO.
Additionally, her personal understanding of what it means to be a leader, her passion for leading through coaching and her experience of cultivating a positive work environment for employees, combined with her down-to-earth personality, make her a relatable and impactful executive coach. Kate also runs a Tiktok Account, as “Leadership Coach Kate”, with her alter ego “Linda, the toxic manager” gaining 100k followers, and her videos regularly receiving over a million views.
Keynote session information TBC
14-Mar-2024Keynote 2The Role Leaders Play in Employee Wellbeing